Why would I use FKR Consultancy Services

We will help you ensure your business is Health & Safety compliant. This will include looking at health & safety areas relevant to YOUR business.  These areas could include:

Your Organisation’s Management of Health & Safety

  • Call to action1Do you need a Health and Safety Policy?
  • What are hazards and risks?
  • How do you do a risk assessment?
  • What training should you provide for your employees?
  • What first aid provision do you need?
  • What emergency procedures do you need to consider?

Health & Safety and Your Employees

  • What are your responsibilities for your employees?
  • What should you consider if you have lone employees?
  • What provisions do you need to take for disabled employees?

Health & Safety and Your Workplace

  • What do you need to provide for a safe place of work?
  • Do I have to do Display Screen Equipment Risks Assessments?

Electrical Safety

  • What considerations do I need to give in relation to the use of electricity in the workplace?

Fire Safety

  • What do you need to do about fire safety?

Harmful Substances

  • Do you know about COSHH risk assessments?
  • Do you work with harmful substances?
  • Is your workplace suitably ventilated?
  • Do you have adequate controls in place?

 Machinery, Plant and Equipment

  • Do you maintain your equipment correctly?
  • Do you provide suitable auditable training?

Manual Handling

  • Have you considered manual handling operations within your workplace?


  • Is your workplace noisy?
  • Do you need to protect your employees?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Do you need to use PPE in your workplace?
  • Is this the best option to protect your workforce?
  • Is your PPE ‘fit for purpose’?

Slips and Trips

  • Are slips, trips and falls an issue in your workplace?
  • Are you able to identify ‘hot spots’ in your workplace?
  • Are there common causes?

Working at Height

  • Do you have employees working at height?
  • Have you considered alternative methods of work?
  • Do you have adequate control methods in place?

Workplace Transport

  • Have you risk assessed the usage of the workplace transport?
  • Do you have safe systems of work in place in relation to the use of the transport?
  • Do you have a safe site where the transport operates?
  • Is the vehicle correctly maintained?
  • Are daily checks made and recorded prior to use?
  • Are your employees competent to use the vehicles?
  • Have they got the correct licence permissions?

Additional areas may need to be considered dependant on your business operations’